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Fix a critical issue of session file data loss.
Fix bugs & enhance Explorer context menu "Edit with Notepad++".
Also a lot of GUI enhancements are added in 8.5.3 release.
Note that your Macro and Run commands saved in Notepad++ v.8.5.2 (or older) may not be compatible with the current version of Notepad++. Please test those commands and, if needed, re-edit them.
Alternatively, you can downgrade to Notepad++ v8.5.2 and restore your previous data. Notepad++ v8.5.3 will backup your old "shortcuts.xml" and save it as "shortcuts.xml.v8.5.2.backup".
Renaming "shortcuts.xml.v8.5.2.backup" -> "shortcuts.xml", your commands should be restored and work properly.